The workers thought that the boss acted in bad faith. 工人们认为老板的行为存心不良。
He had acted in bad faith when he sold them the car knowing it needed a lot of repairs. 他明明知道那辆车需要大修,可他存心不良地把它卖给了他们。
The government has conducted the negotiations in bad faith. 政府在谈判中缺乏诚意。
The swindler's offer was in bad faith as he never expected to honor the agreement. 那个骗子的提议是不守信义的,因为他压根儿就没想照协议办。
There was bad faith between them because they blamed each other for the failure of the mission. 由于他们相互指责对方造成了这次行动的失败,因此他们之间互不信任。
The new protectionism is always liable to be justified as retaliation for the bad faith of foreigners. 这种新保护主义总是容易被作为对外国人不真诚行为的报复而找到理由。
Disguising and pretending to conclude a contract, and negotiating in bad faith; 假借订立合同,恶意进行磋商;
We will meet aggression and bad faith with resolve and strength. 我们将坚决反击各种侵略和不守信用的行径。
Soon feel like a very nasty person, acting in bad faith of their own people. 很快就觉得自己是一个很讨厌的人,对自己言而无信的人。
It was found that the goods had been sold in bad faith. 这批货物被发现已在存心欺骗的情况下售出。
They acted in bad faith, using the name of the group to gain their own selfish ends. 他们做事存心不良,利用集体的名义图谋私利。
In a case involving automated address registration brought to Wipo's arbitration centre last year, the panel said failure to conduct prior checks for third-party rights could be held to be bad faith. 在世界知识产权组织仲裁中心去年收到的一宗涉及网址自动注册的案例中,仲裁小组表示,如果没有事先对第三方权利进行调查,则可以被定为存有恶意。
He accused them of bad faith. 他指责他们不守信用?
Moreover, they contended that the respondent registered and used the disputed domain name in bad faith. 此外,他们争辩说,被告注册和使用具有恶意争议域名。
The protagonists do not hesitate to accuse the other camp of ignorance or bad faith. 两边的领军人物都毫不犹豫地指责对方无知或不诚实。
Where the parties colluded in bad faith, thereby harming the interests of the state, the collective or a third person, any property acquired as a result shall be turned over to the state or be returned to the collective or the third person. 第五十九条当事人恶意串通,损害国家、集体或者第三人利益的,因此取得的财产收归国家所有或者返还集体、第三人。
If you have been the subject of an arrest by the police or other state or federal official which took place without probable cause, in bad faith or if someone deprived you of your liberty. 如果警察或其他州或联邦官员无合理原因、违反规定对你实行逮捕,或者有人非法剥夺你的自由。
And in bad faith they take authorisation from this to declare that she has desired the destiny they have imposed on her. 他们由此得到授权,虚伪地宣称,她一直在渴望得到他们所硬加给她的命运。
They're acting in bad faith, your honor. 他们违背公平的原则,法官阁下。
In identity economics, performance pay demonstrates bad faith. 认同经济学认为,绩效工资的做法昭示了不信任的存在。
He acts in good faith or in bad faith I'm not at all convinced about his honesty. 他做事有诚信或无诚信我一点也不相信他是诚实的。
On Self-identity of American Blacks 'Bad Faith in Toni Morrison's Novels 论托妮·莫里森小说中美国黑人自欺的自我认识
Some thought we were acting in bad faith: they had agreed to the British initiative of a single market, and argued that monetary integration was necessary to accompany trade integration. 有些伙伴认为我们背信弃义:单一市场是英国倡议的,而他们对此给予了一致认可,并主张货币一体化是贸易一体化的必要条件。
He acts in good faith or in bad faith. 他做事有诚信或无诚信。
This agreement was made in bad faith. 这个协议并不是诚心签订的。
It is the evil things that we shall be fighting against-brute force, bad faith, injustice, oppression and persecution-and against them I am certain that the right will prevail. 我们斗争的是邪恶事物暴力、没有诚信、不正义,压迫和迫害我相信正义一方必然战胜它们。
The unions think the government has acted in bad faith by reducing public spending. 工会认为政府削减公共开支,毫不为大众设想。
Nor should such virtues always be mourned: they have been a source of bad faith, warfare, inequality and oppression: part of the energy not just of great thought, or bold politics, but also of Empire and slavery, exclusion and the workhouse. 我们也不应总是哀悼这种美德:它们会产生邪恶的信仰,招致战争、不公和压迫;它们不只催生伟大的思想、大胆的政治活动,还会滋生帝国和奴隶制、排外行为和救济院。
It's just plain bad faith to promote an agenda the way this art show does and then claim no responsibility for the immoral behavior it encourages. 用这种艺术展览来推动这样败坏道德的东西,又说他们为此不必负责,这真是对信仰的极大玷污。
Mr Kim will have numerous opportunities to act in bad faith. 金正日将有很多机会做出背信弃义的行为。